Embodiment & Leadership Coach

Healer | Educator | Purpose Activator

I help conscious fempreneurs shift into confident self-assured purposeful leaders who own their worth and power.

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Here, we believe in nourishing not just the body,

but feeding the mind and soul through inner child healing, deep subconscious work, healing the energetic body and aligning our Soul with the Divine through spiritual guidance. 

We break down the barriers and beliefs on what it means to be a conscious visionary leader in the 21st century. By leading through a powerful vision for the world and living a fulfilled and purposeful life. I believe that we will shift the collective consciousness on what living liberated and intentional looks like. 

Holistic embodiment invites ALL of who we are, the masculine and feminine energies, our unique story, our truth and the fire into everything we do. As multifaceted beings, we believe in authenticity and vulnerability in our human experience as we grow, learn and become the most expressed version of the Divine on earth. 

My Methods 

Emotional and  Energetic

Healing & Mastery

Subconscious Mindset Transformation  through Neuro-Linguistic Programing

Conscious Purpose Activation and Alignment.

Deep Mind, Body & Spirit Trauma Release

Not sure if this approach is right for you?

Try my Emotions and Boundaries

Master Class for free.

Not sure if this approach is right for you?

Try my Emotions and Boundaries

Master Class for free.